Welcome to GDSC KAIST

Register yourself as an author of this blog

GDSC KAIST Github Organization 초대

다음 링크에 접속해 초대받을 Github 계정을 남겨주세요.


Create a pull request against main branch

Fork this repository, and

  1. modify _data/authors.yml to include your information
  2. upload your image at assets/images.

For example, modify the _data/authors.yml file first.

/* authors information so far */

Gildong Hong:
  name        : "Gildong Hong"
  bio         : "I will save the world"
  avatar      : "/assets/images/gildong.hong.jpg"
    - label: "Email"
      icon: "fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square"
      url: "gildong.hong@kaist.ac.kr"
    - label: "Website"
      icon: "fas fa-fw fa-link"
      url: "https://gildong-hong.github.io"

And, upload your profile image assets/images/gildong.hong.jpg. Please make sure that the filepath avatar and your image’s filename match!

And then, create a pull request. And that’s it!

You can now create a post, or creating a pull request containg a new post in _posts directory, with your information on the front matter. Your profile will display on the sidebar in the post you created.

// _posts/2022-11-01-awesome-title.md

title: Awesome Title
author: Gildong Hong

Hello, world!
